Cast on 60 stitches with long-tail cast on. (or any structured not stretchy cast on.)
1-6: garter stitch, slip first stitch of each row
**7-16: s1, k5, *p4, k4* repeat 6 times, k6
17-26: s1, k7, *p4, k4* repeat 5 times, p4, k8
27-36: s1, k9, *p4, k4* repeat 5 times, p4, k6
37-46: s1, k5, p2, k4, *p4, k4* repeat 5 times, p2, k6**
Repeat ** until scarf is as long as you want it.
Final 6 rows (see note): garter stitch
Cast off with a long-tail bind off, (or any other structured cast off.)
Block loosely, if desired.
Note: Count your cast off rows as part of the final 6 rows.