Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mini Missionary

This morning as I chatted with my daughter, Ely, she told me about a new friend she met at her daddy's house. This new friend for some reason can't walk. She was telling me about this, and then interjected, "and she thinks Jesus isn't real, but He is, isn't He, mommy?"

I wasn't prepared for the sudden change in subject, but I confirmed for her that Jesus is indeed real, and that He is my friend. She then said, "but my new friend thinks He's just pretend. Jenny* at school thinks He's dead for always, but He's not."

I said, "That's right, He lives with Heavenly Father now, but He is alive again."

"Jenny thinks He's not here at all. Is He, mommy?"

"Well, sweetie. He lives with Heavenly Father. Sometimes He visits here, but He doesn't live here like we do. The Spirit is here, and tells us things in our hearts."

"Yeah, Jenny is wrong. Jesus loves us, huh?"

"Yes, He does."

Four years old, and already soaking in more doctrine than I thought she could comprehend. Already testifying. What humbling news for me. What a responsibility!

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